I'm new here, so please excuse me if this is on here somewhere, but couldn't find anything like this. I'm new to printing, looked interesting, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I leveled the bed manually (with paper),then auto leveled. The PLA wouldn't stick, so I figured I leveled it wrong and started over. When manually releveling, I noticed the bed was visibly twisted and not level, so I adjusted thumb wheels until it looked about right and started to manually level again. When in position 2 and 5 the z motor moves the bed half as much as in positions 3 and 4, this would account for the bed looking unlevel. If I set it with paper in position 3, then move to 2, there is 3-4mm gap. How do I correct this? Is this a firmware issue, maybe an update or something? Bad switch? Any help would be VERY appreciated!